
openbsd & UEFI

install openbsd into  USB harddisk . 
1) boot linux  fdisk /dev/sdb

fdisk -l /dev/sdb
Device     Boot   Start     End Sectors  Size Id Type
/dev/sdb1          2048 1050623 1048576  512M  b W95 FAT32 <-----
/dev/sdb4       1050624 3915775 2865152  1.4G a6 OpenBSD

mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1 <----

2)boot PC by openbsd CD op  install58(amd64 snapshots)
install openbsd by ordinal procedure .

when [make dev] ends , # appers .

mount /dev/sd1i /mnt2
mkdir -p /mnt2/efi/boot
cp /mnt/usr/mdec/BOOT* /mnt2/efi/boot

boot by CD

very important process 
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt2--->needless command, only my mis-typing

power on PC , and push F1 
set EFI

UEFI boot, look display

nomarl openbsd boot state

is the easy method to install to hard disk . 


Korean soldier when the Vietnam War was added to the sexual assault 
against Vietnamese women .
But there is no apology from South Korea to Vietnam for this thing.
The term Lai Dai Han is a Vietnamese term for a mixed ancestry person 
born to a South Korean father 
a Vietnamese mother (including the victims of Korean soldiers) 
during the Vietnam War
 Lai Dai Han often live at the margins of Vietnamese society. 
The South Korean government has not released an official statement 
regarding the sexual violence that took place during the Vietnam War.

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